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Policies and Procedures

Office Location:

We come to you! Please call. 702-518-8737

Office Hours: Available by appointment 7 days a week.

All sessions are by appointment only. When calling to schedule an appointment, you may reach voice mail. If so, please leave a message, including name, phone numbers, and appointment request, and your call will be returned as promptly as possible.


Please check our current rates page

Gift Certificates are available

As an expression of gratitude, you will receive a 60 minute session at no charge after five referrals (and their accompanying sessions). It is the responsibility of the referred clients to provide us with your name and it is your responsibility to keep track of whom you have referred. This offer does not apply to the purchase or redemption of gift certificates.


Payment is by cash only. Due to rising credit card costs, we no longer take them, sorry.

Statement of Policy: As Licensed Massage Therapists (LMTs) and Bodyworkers, we follow the Code of Ethics for Massage Therapists set forth by the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA). All information you provide, both written and verbally, will remain completely confidential. We will treat you fairly and ethically, and will establish an atmosphere of trust and decency during each session. We ask the same in return from you.

As CMTs/LMTs, our goal is to assist you in meeting your goals of relaxation, stress reduction, pain management, body awareness, and integration of mind, body, & spirit. The primary modalities (types) of massage we use are Swedish Massage, Russian Massage, and Facilitated Stretching. In addition, we are educated in, and incorporate into our work, various other modalities, including Reflexology, Pregnancy Massage, and Sports Massage.

It is important to understand that we neither diagnose or “treat” clients. We are neither trained in nor practice, Physical Therapy, Chiropractics, Osteopathy, Psychotherapy, or medical sciences. If appropriate, we will make referrals when we feel you may benefit from a particular expertise.

Please refrain from wearing perfume on your massage days as a courtesy to others. Also, it is important to come to the session clean. Any client under the influence of drugs or alcohol will be asked to leave. Clients under the age of 17 must provide the practitioner with written consent of the parent or guardian.

Any remarks or gestures made by the client and interpreted by the practitioner as harassment or sexually suggestive will result in the immediate termination of the session, and the client will be liable for full payment of the scheduled appointment.

If for any reason either of us feels uncomfortable during the massage, it is perfectly acceptable to terminate the session.


There may be situations when we believe it is in your best interest to consult a physician, or other health care professional, before receiving massage. In such a case, we will explain the situation and why we believe the consultation is necessary. At other times, we may complete a massage session and recommend you consult with a health care professional afterwards.

Rescheduling and Cancellation of Appointments:

We both understand and respect the hectic schedules of our clients. We are happy to try to accommodate and move appointments when given sufficient notice. Please understand that our hours are limited, and we are often booked in advance. There is no charge for cancellations received at least 24 hours in advance. If you must cancel with less than 24 hours notice, you will be charged for the full session.

Illness: If you are feeling ill or think you may be “coming down with something”, please call before coming in for your scheduled appointment. It is often in both the client’s and therapist’s best interest to reschedule appointments in this case. Likewise, please understand if we call you to reschedule because we are feeling ill. This will help to keep us all healthy!

Late and Early Arrivals:

Please be on time for your appointment out of respect for us and our time, as well as the time of other clients. In general, your massage appointment begins at your scheduled appointment time. If you are running late, kindly take a moment to call. If you arrive up to 15 minutes late, an attempt to accommodate your full session will be made, assuming it does not conflict with another client’s appointment or with our own self-care. If you are more than 15 minutes late, your session will either be shortened or rescheduled. Please note, you will still be responsible for payment for the full session. It is important to us to respect the appointment time of all clients, yourself included.

Generally, we ask that you arrive 5 minutes before your scheduled appointment. Please understand that the time between appointments in a given day is our time for self-care and administrative responsibilities. If you arrive earlier than expected, please understand we will be unable to begin the session early. In addition, we may be with clients, thus unable to open the front door or to answer the phone.

Likewise, while we encourage you to take your time after your session, please remember that we may have another client coming in and will need to prepare the room and ourselves. We want everyone to have an enjoyable massage therapy experience.

Your Massage Experience:

Your massage therapy session should be a comfortable, relaxing, safe experience. The stated policies and procedures are merely a means to that end. They are written to encourage understanding of massage therapy and to meld the expectations of both client and massage therapist.

If you have any questions or comments regarding the policies, please bring them to our attention so we may discuss them. If you have any other questions or comments about massage therapy, or the massage therapy experience, please feel free to ask. Educating clients is an important part of our job.

Most importantly, enjoy your massage!