When you call for your mobile massage you will often be presented with a menu of choices. You will inevitably have questions about which one is right for you. Of course, there is a right choice for everyone. Let’s look into two of the most popular types of massage to get a better understanding.
A Swedish massage consists of five different strokes, or techniques, that are used with varying pressure to relieve everyday stress and tension to enable general wellness and health. Different types of pressure can be applied, depending on the person’s preference as well as their needs.
A deep tissue massage is slower paced and generally involves more pressure. This technique is best used when there are posture concerns or other muscular difficulties, such as an injury. This is not meant to be a painful process but rather to help relieve pain. Sometimes this massage can be intense but should never cause pain. And after the massage is finished it should lead to a feeling of relaxation.
For the most part you will want to select a Swedish massage and the therapist will do the treatment within those boundaries, giving a particular focus on your areas of concern. A deep tissue massage can be used when you have a more significant need, like chronic pain or on an area that experiences muscle ache from repeated use.
Only you can decide which is ultimately what is best for you when considering a Swedish massage vs. deep tissue massage. You might start with Swedish and then move to a deep tissue if you feel you need a more intense session. A good therapist will be able to assess your needs by asking some key questions and then base their recommendation off of that. And of course, finding a therapist that is highly trained in one of these areas and more specialized to ensure you get the best experience possible.
Billings Mobile Massage can provide both Swedish and deep tissue massage. Call 702-518-8737 to make an appointment.